Scan Token Contract
OgLabs (OGL)

Supply: 0 Burned: 0
Market Cap: $--
Swap check
Contract Source audit
Warden Check
Investing in this token is risky, as it has been labeled as a scam based on an analysis of Big Data and user feedback. It is recommended that you exercise caution and perform your own due diligence before making any investment decisions.
Source Code Verified
The verification of the source code of the contract ensures transparency for users who engage with smart contracts. Through the validation of the compiled code by block explorers with the one on the blockchain, users are given an opportunity to scrutinize the contracts.
Proxy Upgradable Contract
Proxy contracts can be dangerous with allow contract owners to upgrade the contract and disable trading without user's knowledge, potentially resulting in significant financial losses.
Trade Disable
Trading can be disabled, preventing coin sell. This is the easiest way to build a delayed honeypot. This could be dangerous if you are not informed about Developers aim.
Blacklist allows the owners to exclude addresses from transactions. These addresses will not be able to sell or receive tokens!
Supply change
Token total supply can be changed to manipulate price. "Minting" allows the owner to be able to create more tokens whenever they want.
Fee change
Buy/Sell fees can be changed. The contract owner can set the buy and sell fees to 100%, causing you to lose all of your tokens.
ATH, Pump & Dump
Rug pull warning!
Token liquidity crashed, most likely it was removed aka Rugpulled.Liquidity pools

Rug pull warning!
Token liquidity crashed, most likely it was removed aka Rugpulled.Disclaimer
The audit result is a measure of how well the token contract and characteristics meet the criteria for safety.
Results are NOT applicable if the token is in presale.
Automated scanners are limited and not always completely accurate.
A token with a high score may still have hidden malicious code.
The score is not advice and should be considered along with other factors.
Always do your own research and consult multiple sources of information.