About BabySun
BabySun Token Live price data
The live price of BabySun Token today is 0.000054321834380800 USD. $BABYSUN It is down 0,00 from the last trading day! We update our USD to BABYSUN every 10 minutes!
BabySun Has a Market Cap of 10,543 USD and is down 0,00% in the last 24H!
What Is BabySun (BABYSUN)?
BabySun is a token created by a team with strong fundamental knowledge of the Binance Smart Chain and general cryptocurrency.
The team have worked hard internally to implement the best distribution and tokenomics to ensure that investors are comfortable with hodling while earning Tron (TRX) dividends
The contract distributes rewards on an hourly basis.
Baby Sun takes after his Daddy Justin Sun, he loves $TRX so much that he wants to give it away! Earn $TRX through a 8% reflection tax just for holding Baby Sun in your wallet!
What Is BabySun (BABYSUN) contract address??
The contract address for the BabySun is 0xf26474cd702261051b8e6ac9b6ae562cd974965a and it can be found on bsc network.
How much BabySun is in circulation?
The circulating supply of $BABYSUN is 194079180 and it has a total supply of 500000000 tokens. The tokens are available on the BSC network.
The live price of BabySun Token today is 0.000054321834380800 USD. $BABYSUN It is down 0,00 from the last trading day! We update our USD to BABYSUN every 10 minutes!
BabySun Has a Market Cap of 10,543 USD and is down 0,00% in the last 24H!
What Is BabySun (BABYSUN)?
BabySun is a token created by a team with strong fundamental knowledge of the Binance Smart Chain and general cryptocurrency.
The team have worked hard internally to implement the best distribution and tokenomics to ensure that investors are comfortable with hodling while earning Tron (TRX) dividends
The contract distributes rewards on an hourly basis.
Baby Sun takes after his Daddy Justin Sun, he loves $TRX so much that he wants to give it away! Earn $TRX through a 8% reflection tax just for holding Baby Sun in your wallet!
What Is BabySun (BABYSUN) contract address??
The contract address for the BabySun is 0xf26474cd702261051b8e6ac9b6ae562cd974965a and it can be found on bsc network.
How much BabySun is in circulation?
The circulating supply of $BABYSUN is 194079180 and it has a total supply of 500000000 tokens. The tokens are available on the BSC network.