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Volume $0.0
Market Cap$633
Buy/Sell feeUnknown
Total supply1000.0M
About Arctic Wolf Inu
The observation: the payment of service in crypto currency poses a problem of security and trust, either the service is paid in advance and the customer takes the risk that the work is poorly done or not done at all, or the service is rendered in advance and the service provider takes the risk of never being paid. Moreover, service provider and client do not really have a tool to assess the reliability and quality of each other's work.
The utility aims to solve these problems by being a trusted third party in this type of transaction.
Indeed once an agreement has been reached, everyone will have to create a profile on the platform.
The seller will create his offer for the customer and will describe it exhaustively.
The customer will be informed and if the offer meets the demand, he will make the payment which will be stored by the platform pending validation that the work to be done has been carried out.
Once the work has been done, the client confirms that it has been done and payment is made to the service provider.
After this transaction, each party will be able to rate the other on a series of criteria (compliance, respect of deadlines, ease of communication, etc.) and will be able to leave a comment.
In the event of a dispute, the platform intervenes to validate or cancel the payment. The platform will arbitrate and will be the mediator between the parties to, if the request is abusive, make or cancel the payment, or reach an agreement between the parties.
Any litigation deemed abusive will lead to a negative rating of the platform of the party concerned.
The interests are multiple, first of all reassure both parties that the work will be done and that the payment will be made.
This establishes the factual reputation of service providers and customers over the long term.
A second step would consist in proposing on this platform a listing of service providers with a classification by category (marketing, development, coaching, etc.) with a paid promotion system so that service providers who wish to do so are put forward.
A beta could be available during Q2 2023. This may vary depending on the evolution of the token.
Regarding the governance of the token, we continue as planned from the beginning. Votes regarding the community wallet and a VIP group for those holding more than 1.5% of the supply in a wallet.
The observation: the payment of service in crypto currency poses a problem of security and trust, either the service is paid in advance and the customer takes the risk that the work is poorly done or not done at all, or the service is rendered in advance and the service provider takes the risk of never being paid. Moreover, service provider and client do not really have a tool to assess the reliability and quality of each other's work.
The utility aims to solve these problems by being a trusted third party in this type of transaction.
Indeed once an agreement has been reached, everyone will have to create a profile on the platform.
The seller will create his offer for the customer and will describe it exhaustively.
The customer will be informed and if the offer meets the demand, he will make the payment which will be stored by the platform pending validation that the work to be done has been carried out.
Once the work has been done, the client confirms that it has been done and payment is made to the service provider.
After this transaction, each party will be able to rate the other on a series of criteria (compliance, respect of deadlines, ease of communication, etc.) and will be able to leave a comment.
In the event of a dispute, the platform intervenes to validate or cancel the payment. The platform will arbitrate and will be the mediator between the parties to, if the request is abusive, make or cancel the payment, or reach an agreement between the parties.
Any litigation deemed abusive will lead to a negative rating of the platform of the party concerned.
The interests are multiple, first of all reassure both parties that the work will be done and that the payment will be made.
This establishes the factual reputation of service providers and customers over the long term.
A second step would consist in proposing on this platform a listing of service providers with a classification by category (marketing, development, coaching, etc.) with a paid promotion system so that service providers who wish to do so are put forward.
A beta could be available during Q2 2023. This may vary depending on the evolution of the token.
Regarding the governance of the token, we continue as planned from the beginning. Votes regarding the community wallet and a VIP group for those holding more than 1.5% of the supply in a wallet.



Buy -
Sell -
Volume $0.0
Market Cap$633
Buy/Sell feeUnknown
Total supply1000.0M
All Time HighNov 29, 2022, 5:41 PM
-88.42%All Time High LPNov 27, 2022, 1:31 AM
$4,178 -98.73%
Arctic Wolf Inu FAQs
What is the price of Arctic Wolf Inu?
The current price of Arctic Wolf Inu coin is about $0.0000006333.
What is Arctic Wolf Inu smart contract address?
Arctic Wolf Inu smart contract address is 0xceb5a95bc888f35cae196c3c27c3eeb34a6c562e.
What is the Arctic Wolf Inu Market Cap today?
Arctic Wolf Inu Market Cap is $633 today.
How much Liquidity is in Arctic Wolf Inu?
There is $27 in Arctic Wolf Inu liquidity pool.
Launched on Nov 23, 2022