About Liquid
Liquidity is the speed and ease (measured in units) at which an asset can be converted into another one without significantly affecting the spot price's stability.
The greater the liquidity, the more stable and less volatile a market is. LIQUID and its liquidity aggregator allow us to combine bids and offers for an asset from different sources and redirect them to executors.
LIQUID's goal is to allow traders to open orders as close as possible to the market price. We are built to help you connect and collect the best liquidity from an unlimited number of providers.
LIQUID provides a new approach to liquidity.
The greater the liquidity, the more stable and less volatile a market is. LIQUID and its liquidity aggregator allow us to combine bids and offers for an asset from different sources and redirect them to executors.
LIQUID's goal is to allow traders to open orders as close as possible to the market price. We are built to help you connect and collect the best liquidity from an unlimited number of providers.
LIQUID provides a new approach to liquidity.
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Volume $0.0
All Time HighFeb 26, 2023, 6:09 PM
-99.38%All Time High LPFeb 26, 2023, 6:30 PM
$5,411 -45.25%
Liquid FAQs
What is the price of Liquid?
What is Liquid smart contract address?
What is the Liquid Market Cap today?
How much Liquidity is in Liquid?
Launched on Feb 26, 2023