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Volume $0.0
Market Cap$5.9B
Buy/Sell fee0% / 0%
Total supply248.4M
About GoMining Token
GoMining Token Token Live price data
The live price of GoMining Token Token today is 0.223323579244783382 USD. $gmt It is down 0,00 from the last trading day! We update our USD to gmt every 10 minutes!
GoMining Token Has a Market Cap of 55,479,749 USD and is down 0,00% in the last 24H!
What Is GoMining Token (gmt)?
Token backed by real assets, with the daily income payment in Bitcoin (BTC) to its owner. Each GMT is backed by an actual unit of computing power of 0,001177TH/s via SHA-256 protocol. By purchasing 1GMT, you acquire 0,001177TH/s of actual computing power of our fleet of devices that are already mining BTC, enabling you daily mining income. Unlike the equipment, the token is a highly liquid asset. Its sale takes only a few minutes and at the same time it is not subject to wear and tear and does not require additional investment. The release of tokens is carried out via smart contracts and Ethereum blockchain platform. During the first year after the release of the token, we plan to bring the average energy efficiency of our equipment to 50 W / TH with a total capacity of 200 MW. This will correspond to 4,000,000,000 tokens .Linking to the real indicators of equipment and their value completely protects the token from falling to negative values for the investor, since the value of the token cannot be lower than the cost of the equipment it is backed within addition to the available tools, our company will act as market makers of the token independently and maintain its value protecting investors. The management of this large-scale infrastructure is ensured by creating its own ecosystem, which includes a full cycle of competencies necessary to ensure a high level of project implementation in the crypto-sphere.
What Is GoMining Token (gmt) contract address??
The contract address for the GoMining Token is 0x7ddc52c4de30e94be3a6a0a2b259b2850f421989 and it can be found on eth network.
The live price of GoMining Token Token today is 0.223323579244783382 USD. $gmt It is down 0,00 from the last trading day! We update our USD to gmt every 10 minutes!
GoMining Token Has a Market Cap of 55,479,749 USD and is down 0,00% in the last 24H!
What Is GoMining Token (gmt)?
Token backed by real assets, with the daily income payment in Bitcoin (BTC) to its owner. Each GMT is backed by an actual unit of computing power of 0,001177TH/s via SHA-256 protocol. By purchasing 1GMT, you acquire 0,001177TH/s of actual computing power of our fleet of devices that are already mining BTC, enabling you daily mining income. Unlike the equipment, the token is a highly liquid asset. Its sale takes only a few minutes and at the same time it is not subject to wear and tear and does not require additional investment. The release of tokens is carried out via smart contracts and Ethereum blockchain platform. During the first year after the release of the token, we plan to bring the average energy efficiency of our equipment to 50 W / TH with a total capacity of 200 MW. This will correspond to 4,000,000,000 tokens .Linking to the real indicators of equipment and their value completely protects the token from falling to negative values for the investor, since the value of the token cannot be lower than the cost of the equipment it is backed within addition to the available tools, our company will act as market makers of the token independently and maintain its value protecting investors. The management of this large-scale infrastructure is ensured by creating its own ecosystem, which includes a full cycle of competencies necessary to ensure a high level of project implementation in the crypto-sphere.
What Is GoMining Token (gmt) contract address??
The contract address for the GoMining Token is 0x7ddc52c4de30e94be3a6a0a2b259b2850f421989 and it can be found on eth network.



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Volume $0.0
Market Cap$5.9B
Buy/Sell fee0% / 0%
Total supply248.4M
All Time HighApr 19, 2024, 12:52 AM
-99.76%All Time High LPJun 13, 2022, 10:39 AM
$88,772 -100.00%
GoMining Token FAQs
What is the price of GoMining Token?
The current price of GoMining Token coin is about $23.928.
What is GoMining Token token contract address?
GoMining Token token contract address is 0x7ddc52c4de30e94be3a6a0a2b259b2850f421989.
What is the GoMining Token Market Cap today?
GoMining Token Market Cap is $5.9B today.
How much Liquidity is in GoMining Token?
There is $0 in GoMining Token liquidity pool.
Launched on Nov 13, 2021