In an era where cryptocurrencies dominate the financial landscape, there is a group of extraordinary dogs that have lost their prestigious position: the Inu dogs. These adorable and captivating canines, with their distinctive features and courageous spirit, have long been at the forefront of the crypto world.
However, in recent times, the Inu dogs have been overshadowed by other breeds and tokens, leaving their legacy in the background. But there is hope, a voice rising to bring the Inu dogs back to the top, and that voice is Dubainu.
Dubainu is an extraordinary dog, with a brave heart and an unstoppable determination. He embarked on an epic journey to Dubai, the city of wonders, to spread the word and reaffirm the influence of Inu dogs in the world of cryptocurrencies.
✳️5% Team tokens locked
✳️liquidity blocked for one year
✳️20% for marketing includes burns and giveaways
🏵10 trillion tokens
🔝staking program