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Volume $0.0
Market Cap$6.3k
Buy/Sell feeUnknown
Total supply1000.0B
About Artwork NFT
Artwork NFT Token Live price data
The live price of Artwork NFT Token today is 0.000000042781204316 USD. $anft It is up 6,59% from the last trading day! We update our USD to anft every 10 minutes!
Artwork NFT Has a Market Cap of 38,472 USD and is up 6,59% in the last 24H!
What Is Artwork NFT (anft)?
Artworknft is the first nft marketplace to provide physical products, each item of the product is a unique artwork. that’s why each item of the product has a limited supply and has the ERC-721 blockchain networks. ArtworkNFT (ANFT) uses burn regularly system, we have JavaSwap utility, every partnership use ANFT for fee listing and will sent to Burn Address
What Is Artwork NFT (anft) contract address??
The contract address for the Artwork NFT is 0x4ad871d02415717f55adb23def23faec98e7bba8 and it can be found on bsc network.
How much Artwork NFT is in circulation?
The circulating supply of $anft is 900429253191 and it has a total supply of 1000000000000 tokens. The tokens are available on the BSC network.
The live price of Artwork NFT Token today is 0.000000042781204316 USD. $anft It is up 6,59% from the last trading day! We update our USD to anft every 10 minutes!
Artwork NFT Has a Market Cap of 38,472 USD and is up 6,59% in the last 24H!
What Is Artwork NFT (anft)?
Artworknft is the first nft marketplace to provide physical products, each item of the product is a unique artwork. that’s why each item of the product has a limited supply and has the ERC-721 blockchain networks. ArtworkNFT (ANFT) uses burn regularly system, we have JavaSwap utility, every partnership use ANFT for fee listing and will sent to Burn Address
What Is Artwork NFT (anft) contract address??
The contract address for the Artwork NFT is 0x4ad871d02415717f55adb23def23faec98e7bba8 and it can be found on bsc network.
How much Artwork NFT is in circulation?
The circulating supply of $anft is 900429253191 and it has a total supply of 1000000000000 tokens. The tokens are available on the BSC network.
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Volume $0.0
Market Cap$6.3k
Buy/Sell feeUnknown
Total supply1000.0B
All Time HighMay 25, 2022, 11:00 AM
-86.89%All Time High LPJun 1, 2022, 11:54 PM
$126,146 -94.79%
Artwork NFT FAQs
What is the price of Artwork NFT?
The current price of Artwork NFT coin is about $0.000000006319.
What is Artwork NFT smart contract address?
Artwork NFT smart contract address is 0x4ad871d02415717f55adb23def23faec98e7bba8.
What is the Artwork NFT Market Cap today?
Artwork NFT Market Cap is $6.3k today.
How much Liquidity is in Artwork NFT?
There is $3,287 in Artwork NFT liquidity pool.
Launched on Nov 12, 2021