About Doge Genie
Doge Genie is a very Unique Memecoin and NFT project with a Twist. Last Buyer wins all. Not only do you receive BUSD as rewards for Hodling but you receive a free (RARE) Doge Genie NFT if your lucky enough to grab presale. If no buyers come in within a certain period last buyer wins all. 3% from all sales go to the Jackpot fund. Crimson Agility (Norton software, PayPal, Magento Partners) Software company have decided to use Doge Genie NFT's as their guinee pig project. Crimson is hoping to convert 10,000 Doge Genie 2d NFT's into fully movable operable 3d Characters. These Characters will also be implemented with Antivirus Cyber attacking software traits. The holder of the NFT will own the Character and be able to freely use throughout the Metaverse in any interactive situation. Crimson will indirectly use your character and sell Security packaged software to major players within the Metaverse Such as Celebrity statused Restaurants, Banks, High Street outlets, Casinos etc. The registered holder of the NFT will receive cash Royalties and location related benefits wherever their character is used.
As you can see a massive project with massive utility.
As you can see a massive project with massive utility.