


About GenesisX50

GenesisX50 is a A hyper deflationary token built on the bnb smart Chain.
(no more tokens will be minted) The token was created with a maximum supply of 1 trillion tokens. This will cause the price of the token to increase, over time as the supply is burned and destroyed and the market cap value increases. Unlike other tokens, that burn through their supply, ours is different and more efficient. Our dev says that most tokens 99% percent of them are not deflationary. but most tokens also tell you that they are deflationary, this happens because the developers and the teams behind them do not understand what that means. on a normal token when you send tokens to the burnt wallet, which is the wallet with all zeros and the word dead at the end. the wallet just becomes a holder of your token it doesn’t affect the token in the market the price doesn’t go up for everyone it’s just you have this special wallet that holds tokens. now the only advantage of this is the burn wallet can never sell those tokens, so it creates a bit of a price blemish, If people start selling that the burning wallet and will continue to grow as transactions take place will always hold and you will see in BscScan, when you look at the list of holders that the address of this wallet where it becomes a holder is what most contracts do and it is not deflationary. This is not the way we believe. Our coin destroys 3% on every buy/sell and simply removes them from the total supply This makes our currency truly deflationary. We will soon launch an nft project and also a platform that will reward our holders with the existing currency. Our team believes in complete transparency with investors The nft project that will be released soon will include 1000 works of art, the price of each nft unit will be 1bnb, after the end of the nft sale we will issue a notice on the networks about a lottery that will take place live on YouTube where $100,000 in bnb coins will be distributed to the winning addresses

GenesisX50 Token Price

Buy -
Sell -
Volume $0.0
Buy/Sell feeUnknown
Total supply1000.0B
Market Cap$38.3k
All Time HighDec 16, 2022, 2:39 PM
All Time High LPDec 16, 2022, 2:30 PM
$386,530 -100.00%

GenesisX50 FAQs

What is the price of GenesisX50?

The current price of GenesisX50 coin is about $0.00000003830.

What is GenesisX50 smart contract address?

GenesisX50 smart contract address is 0xe953ec90533756A478068F0A97B92aa53fc5018b.

What is the GenesisX50 Market Cap today?

GenesisX50 Market Cap is $38.3k today.

How much Liquidity is in GenesisX50?

There is $2 in GenesisX50 liquidity pool.

Launched on Oct 17, 2022

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