


About MERM

Long ago, in the depths of the ocean, there existed a mysterious underwater civilization known as the Mermids. These extraordinary beings resembled fish but possessed human traits and skills. Among them stood out a young Mermid named MERM, who wore a green mask symbolizing his marine heritage.

MERM did not have an easy life. From an early age, he faced numerous challenges. The waters in which the Mermids lived were increasingly polluted by human activity, and their underwater city was constantly under threat. MERM lost his family in one of these ecological disasters, prompting him to change his life and find a way to improve the situation.

One day, during one of his solitary wanderings along the ocean floor, MERM stumbled upon an ancient prophecy carved into a coral reef. The prophecy foretold that one of the Mermids, wearing a green fish mask, had the power to bring happiness and peace to the people on the surface of the earth. Inspired by this discovery, MERM decided to leave his marine family and embark on a mission that would change his life forever.

After many hardships and dangers, MERM emerged to the surface and began his journey across the human world. Soon, he gained the sympathy and support of many people thanks to his kindness, wisdom, and extraordinary abilities. People started to see him not only as a remarkable visitor but also as a symbol of hope and a better future.

To honor his mission and spread the message of happiness and peace, people created a memecoin called MERM. MERM became a symbol of hope and prosperity in the world of cryptocurrencies. Everyone who possessed MERM believed they were supporting MERM's mission and contributing to improving life on earth and protecting the environment.

Though MERM remained in the shadows, he knew that his mission was bearing fruit. Inspired by his story, people began to take better care of the planet, and MERM became one of the most important memecoins, symbolizing the union of technology, hope, and concern for the future.

And so, MERM continued his mission, bringing happiness to people and working towards a better tomorrow, always wearing his green mask as a reminder of his marine past and the extraordinary journey that changed the world.
05:10:54 Sep 7 $224.98 23.35M
22:56:21 Sep 6 $226.26 23.35M
22:44:06 Sep 6 $100.64 10.23M
22:44:06 Sep 6 $102.50 10.98M
10:29:07 Sep 6 $250.60 23.35M
10:03:28 Sep 6 $115.98 10.98M
10:03:28 Sep 6 $114.27 10.23M
10:03:12 Sep 6 $226.11 23.35M

MERM Token Price

Buy -
Sell -
Volume $0.0
Buy/Sell feeUnknown
Total supply690.4M
Market Cap$6.6k
All Time HighApr 8, 2024, 1:26 PM
All Time High LPApr 8, 2024, 1:30 PM
$48,027 -84.26%


What is the price of MERM?

The current price of MERM coin is about $0.000009611.

What is MERM smart contract address?

MERM smart contract address is 0x5E856BD39dD668c9E8F55c84E7362791a3ABA94a.

What is the MERM Market Cap today?

MERM Market Cap is $6.6k today.

How much Liquidity is in MERM?

There is $3,780 in MERM liquidity pool.

Launched on Mar 29, 2024

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